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Showing posts from September, 2018

Improve Your Product Design With Useful Engineering Services

In today’s age of technology & advancement, who would not want to have a fast solution to a complex problem? Especially when the engineering industry is involved, the need to have accurate solutions at a short span of time is of utmost requirement. Industrial engineering is one such branch that utilizes complex processes, organizations & systems. To reduce wastage of time, finance & energy, engineers make use of industrial engineering design consultants in India . Let us look into the salient features & capabilities of these services: 1. Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (FMEA)- A concept developed by reliability engineers to study problems that might arise from malfunctions of military systems. It involves identifying the causes & effects of failure modes by analysing the various components & subsystems. The various types of FMEA are: functional, design & process & forms the main task in safety, quality & reliability forms of engineering. Som...

Build Safe, Durable and Strong Structures With RCC

Just like the skeleton forms the framework of the human body, structural engineering forms the skeletal structure, giving a solid support to the man-made structures. An evaluation of strength, stability & rigidity is done by structural engineers to create any kind of edifice or structure. Ever since the Industrial Revolution in the 18 th century, there has been an evolution in the engineering sector, involving the advent of new technologies, designs & tools. One significant advantage of this event has been the concept of RCC( Reinforced Cement Concrete) that aids in giving shape & form to any structure. Let us look at some of the essential properties of RCC: Similar to Steel- RCC is similar to steel, not in terms of looks but in terms of thermal expansion, that is, the tendency of matter to change its area, shape & volume is dependent on the change in temperature. Concrete is known to emit huge internal stresses because of thermal expansion ...