like the skeleton forms the framework of the human body, structural
engineering forms the skeletal structure, giving a solid support to
the man-made structures. An evaluation of strength, stability &
rigidity is done by structural engineers to create any kind of
edifice or structure.
since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century, there
has been an evolution in the engineering sector, involving the advent
of new technologies, designs & tools. One significant advantage
of this event has been the concept of RCC( Reinforced Cement
Concrete) that aids in giving shape & form to any structure.
us look at some of the essential properties of RCC:
Similar to Steel- RCC is similar to steel, not in terms of looks but in terms of thermal expansion, that is, the tendency of matter to change its area, shape & volume is dependent on the change in temperature. Concrete is known to emit huge internal stresses because of thermal expansion & contraction.
Hard Surface- an RCC structure has a surface texture similar to steel again. Why? Because when the cement mixture inside the concrete hardens, this gives a steel-look to the surface & permits any stress to transferred between the different materials.
glanced at these features, let us look at some of the types of RCC
Hot Rolled Deformed Bars- This is the most popular form of RCC structure. To create this, hot rolling is done in the factories that include creating deformations on the surface so that it can bond with concrete, for e.g. making of ribs. The stress-strain curve indicates a clear yield point followed by a plastic stage where strain increases without stress increase.
Mild Steel Plain Bars- Unlike the previous one, these are plain bars without any ribs. Used mainly for small projects, this is ideal where cost-effective structures have to be built. In this type of bar, like the rolled ones, here too stress-strain curve indicates a clear yield point followed by a plastic stage where an increase of stress occurs without strain increase. It is important to know that the plastic stage in these mild bars are more distinct.
Cold Worked Steel Reinforcement- Cold worked reinforcement is produced when hot rolled steel bars undergo any kind of cold working. Compared to the previous ones, this kind of structures require drawing & twisting the bars at room temperatures. Moreover, the plastic stage is eliminated & bestows efficient control over size & endurance level. Unlike hot rolled bars, the cold worked ones have a reduced ductility due to removal of the plastic stage. It is especially used for projects that require low tolerance & straightness. Unlike the previous bars, there is no clear yield point shown by the stress-strain curve due to absence of the plastic stage.
Prestressing Steel- Bars & tendons that are made up of numerous strands are used to make prestressing steel. It is useful to know that tendons & strands are mostly used because these can be utilized in various ways, without any obstruction. With innumerable wires, prestressing strands are created & most of them are done with seven wire strand. These wires are cold drawn, have a high tensile strength that makes it possible to prestress concrete after short & even long-term losses. These kind of concretes are typically used in bridges or buildings. Here too the plastic stage is removed thereby showing no yield point by the stress-strain curve.
Thus if you are keen in providing reinforcement & durability to
your structures, availing the RCC structure design services in India should be of great help.
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